What Did the Founding Fathers Believe? Throughout the centuries, the religion and beliefs of the Founding Fathers have been hot topics. There are arguments that the founders were Deists, but there are also thorough records and documentation that many of them were Christians or, at the...

What to Do to Make America a Better Place When we look around at our country, our society, our world, as Christians, what we're doing isn't working. What is happening in our country is not moving things forward. Jesus taught his disciples, to pray “Your will...

A Christian View of Politics In a time when Christians are being marginalized in society as a whole, we must stop and ask ourselves how we should view politics. The answer to this question can have huge implications for our faith and discipleship as well as...

Can a Teacher Require Bible Reading in School? It was once used as an important part of the school curriculum. However, the place of the Bible in school is becoming a highly-debated topic. Teachers can assign students with various texts for their courses, but what about...

Taking Your Bible to Work: Is It Allowed? The right to religious freedom is a fundamental human right that has been recognized by countries all over the world. The United States Constitution guarantees that "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting...

Understanding Your Rights as a Christian Employer The Freedom of Religion is one of the most important freedoms, and it is a constitutionally guaranteed right for everyone in America. But what does that mean for employers? Fortunately, Christian employers have rights under the United States Constitution. So,...

Your Rights As a Christian Employee The United States Constitution guarantees that all citizens have the right to free speech. Free speech is one of the most important rights we have as Americans and it's a privilege that many other countries don't enjoy. But what does...

Constitutional Rights of Christian School Teachers With the recent changes in our nation's government, it can be difficult to know what your personal rights are as a Christian school teacher. What does the Constitution say about religious liberty? Can you pray in school or read from...

Which Political Party Aligns With the Bible? There are many political parties in America, but which one aligns with the values of the Bible? That is a question that Christians have been asking for years. However, the answer, unfortunately, is not that simple. So, which political party...

Understanding Government Systems in The Bible The Bible is a complex book that offers many different perspectives on what government system Christians should support. Some believe in democracy as the best form of government, while others advocate for a monarchy. The truth is that there are...