Name of Administrator Title Institution Address   Dear ___________: I am writing to formally request a religious exemption to receiving a COVID-19 vaccination. As a devout Christian, I am guided in everything I do by my faith in God and the Bible, which I believe to be God’s revealed and inspired...

Date:   From:     To _______________________________________________, In that I am a member of the Church ________________________________________, I am exercising my right to receive a religious exemption for the wearing of a mask or any such device as defined by the FDA under the EUA. Should I become symptomatic, I will...

What You Should Know About Religious Freedom As Americans, we have had the incredible privilege of living in a nation that offers immense religious freedom. From the foundation of our nation, religious freedom has been something that was considered an essential part of our country.  Religious freedom...

Practical Uses for The Bible in Everyday Life Although it was written centuries ago in a world much different than ours, the Bible remains applicable to our daily lives as Christians. As our world becomes flooded with books, podcasts, and even sermons from well-meaning pastors, we...

Basic Christian Principles Every Christian Should Understand Many Christians in America and other parts of the world will say that the way they live their lives are greatly impacted by what they spiritually believe. Spiritual principles can impact how you view and treat anything from relationships,...

Knowing Your Rights as a Christian in a Public School In the time we're living in, the Christian faith has never been more attacked in America. There has been a turning away of Christian ideals and a prejudice about those who still try to live a...

Are Bibles Allowed in Public Schools? As the lines drawn by our first amendment right become more and more blurred, it can be difficult to know your rights when it comes to religion in public schools. Christian students feel more and more targeted and condemned for...

What the Bible Says About Equality In this day and age, it seems like there is more a divide than ever when it comes to what people think equality should look like. In Declaration of Independence states, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all...

Does the Bible Address Human Rights? A right is something you are entitled to, often defined by the government or societal standards; however, did you know that the Bible addresses human rights? Human rights are specifically rights that every human should be entitled to. As God's...